The name of the game for any business owner is romancing the customer with a view to establishing a long-term relationship. The relationship, not product/service, is key. Relationships bind, have duration, foster loyalty and create repeat/referral sales. The sum total of thousands of relationships is a priceless asset that never appears on the balance sheet, but given the tremendous cost of customer acquisition, it is a foundation of profitability.
The JetCom CSI program provides business owners turn key technologies and programs that enable the voice of your customer to be heard and translated into powerful managerial reports. Imagine being able to know if every one of your transactions went smoothly. Then taking the information about each transaction and identifying areas of customer dissatisfaction, recognize employees for outstanding services, use the reports to create a customer service based culture in your organization.
The JetCom CSI programs contact customers through a variety of methods: telephone, email, SMS and social media. Once the surveys are completed the data is used for the following:
Strengthening Online Reviews
Once JetCom collects your reviews, we submit them to all the major search engines. So when customers search for businesses like yours, you'll distinguish yourself with hundreds of reviews instead of a handful.
Customer Call Reports
Lists of all customers called, highlighting both their answers to questions and their individual comments.
Business Summary Report and Employee Comparison
Composite customer satisfaction scores by location and employee. Taken together as a system, the telephone follow-up calls and reports will provide:
- Exceptional responsiveness to dissatisfied customers
- A management tool for locating and eliminating the causes of customer dissatisfaction
- Motivation and recognition of individual locations through personal
customer satisfaction ratings
- The feedback necessary for increased sales
- Increased company name recognition and consumer confidence
Measurement of customer satisfaction on a by-employee basis, when combined with positive reinforcement and management counseling, has been shown to substantially increase employee motivation toward meeting and exceeding customer needs. A recent survey found that almost ninety percent of American employees said they would feel more committed to achieving their company's financial goals if their managers were more concerned with delivering quality to the customer. JetCom satisfaction reviews will help you establish this culture in your organization today.