Contact Campaigns are used to communicate all important messages and requests to your customers. All contact campaigns use Multi-Method Intelligence, when a customer views any message, subsequent messages are not sent.
One of the most powerful aspects of the contact campaign is to remind customers when important services are due. The JetCom program reads directly from your shop management system and knows when customers have not returned for recommendations you made during previous visits.
Also, we know when each of your customers vehicles is due for the manufacture recommended services. Use a contact campaign and an appointment reminder to help your customer plan for important services.
You can send an email, a text, a phone call sent or any combination of these methods. The key is to make sure your customer receives your message.
Things to consider for a campaign: Oil changes, tire rotations, manufactures services, alignment checks, facility suggested services, AC service before summer, vehicle winterization and many many more.

Jet your customer communications into the future with our multi-method platform. What ever message you need to send, whatever method you need to use, JetCom provides the solution
at your fingertips.
Keep in-touch and keep customers informed. JetCom provides tools that translate into unique opportunities to engage customers, increase business and most importantly - keep your valuable customers loyal to your business.
The Message
- It’s time for service…
- Your policy is about to expire…
- We are having a meeting about…
- School is closed on….
- Due to Adverse weather…
- We received a warning…
- Please confirm your appointmen
The Method

- Phone Automated
- Phone Live Call
- Phone Message
- Email
- Text Message
- Multi Media Message
- US Mail

Keep in-touch and keep customers informed. JetCom provides tools that translate into unique opportunities to engage customers, increase business and most importantly - keep your valuable customers loyal to your business.
How does it work?
Let’s say you need to inform 500 customers that it is time for a visit. Some of your customers may respond to email messages, some customers may respond to text messages and others may respond to phone messages. With the JetCom program you can:
- Set the methods to use
- the order of methods
- the number of attempts for each method
- the time to wait between methods.
If a customer responds to any of the methods, they are removed from subsequent attempts and methods.
If it is important for your business to communicate with your customers, there is no better way than the JetCom multi-method com program.